đī¸ Connect to Devices
Support USB and TCP connection now.
đī¸ Initialize Devices
The TikMatrix Apk is a mobile dependency for TikMatrix, and automation tasks can only be executed after it is installed. When the phone connects to the computer for the first time, TikMatrix will automatically install 2 Apk files on the phone: TikMatrix and TikMatrix Test (no interface). If the phone requires user authorization to install applications, please click "Allow" (for Xiaomi phones).
đī¸ Install TikTok
We recommend downloading the specified version below, as newer versions may not be compatible. The software will be updated periodically, and supported versions will be announced in the group after updates.
đī¸ Enable Fast Input Keyboard
Once your phone is connected, it will automatically switch to the Fast Input keyboard.
đī¸ Sync Control
Sync Control is used to control the synchronization of multiple devices.
đī¸ Create Group
Group is a collection of devices.
đī¸ Set Up Proxy
Set a separate proxy IP address for each phone.