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Setting Up a Proxy

Setting up a unique proxy IP address for each mobile device

  1. Purchase a VPS with residential proxy IPs from the target country. Ideally, choose a VPS with native IP and dual ISP.

    Recommended VPS:

    1. Lisahost 68 RMB/month
    2. UUUVPS 48 RMB/month
  2. Use x-ui to quickly set up a VPN on the VPS.

    bash <(curl -Ls
  3. Install the NekoBoxForAndroid client on your mobile device.

  4. Add the proxy configuration to the client.

  • If you are a user in China, you need to use a transit proxy to preemptively enhance the VPS node speed and prevent the VPS IP from being blocked.

    Recommended transit proxies:

    1. KuaiNingMeng VPN, which offers a free trial
    2. Shadowsocks