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Create Posting Task

Posting tasks automatically publish content (title, tags, videos, images) within a specified time period.


  1. Click the Publish Settings of the Group you want to post.
  2. Enable the Auto Posting switch if you want to automatically start the posting task.
  3. Configure the start time(PC time) for the posting task (Hour:Minute).
  4. Fill the caption and tags in the Title field for the video you want to post.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Click the Materials button to add the video or image you want to post.
  7. If you want to set caption and tags for the video, fill the caption and tags in the Title field of the video you want to post.

Start Task

Manual Start

Select one or more devices to start the posting task, click TK Toolbox, and then click the Start Posting button. The task will be created and started within one minute.

Automatic Start

Turn on the auto posting switch and set the start time for the posting task. The task will be automatically created and started.


  • If the set time is in the past, the posting task will not start today.
  • If the set time is in the future, the posting task will be created within one minute and start at the set time.
  • If multiple times are set, multiple posting tasks will be created each day. The maximum number of posting tasks is 6.